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12 Things That Destroy Trust (Often Without You Realizing):

1 min
trust  ✺  trustdestroyer  ✺  leadership  ✺  career

1. Blaming

↳"If you had just managed your time better and not procrastinated, this wouldn't have happened."

Why? Shifting fault onto them will erode trust and damage your relationship.

2. Belittling

↳"This was a simple task. I can't rely on you for anything important going forward."

Why? Diminishing their capability will destroy their confidence and lead to disengagement.

3. Threatening

↳"If you ever miss a deadline again, there will be consequences."

Why? Fear-based threats rarely inspire accountability and often backfire.

4. Oversharing

↳"I need to let the rest of the team know that we can't depend on you."

Why? Spreading negative impressions doesn't just undermine others' trust in that person, but also erodes trust in your own discretion and judgment.

5. Overreacting

↳"I can't believe you missed this deadline! Do you know how much this sets us back?"

Why? This strong emotional response will make them feel attacked rather than supported.

6. Failing to deliver

↳"I said I'd have that analysis done by Wednesday but I don't have it yet."

Why? Consistently not following through on commitments erodes dependability.

7. Dismissing feelings

↳"It's just one deadline, stop being so hard on yourself."

Why? Invalidating their emotions prevents open communication and understanding.

8. Taking unfair credit

↳"That marketing campaign was all my idea even though we collaborated."

Why? Misrepresenting contributions diminishes others' efforts and breeds resentment.

9. Deciding unilaterally

↳"I went ahead and extended our lease without consulting anyone else."

Why? Failing to seek input on important decisions undervalues others' perspectives.

10. Avoiding accountability

↳"The low customer satisfaction scores aren't my fault."

Why? Blaming external factors rather than taking ownership hurts integrity.

11. Withholding information

↳"I received the engineering report with safety recommendations but didn't pass it along."

Why? Withholding relevant information strains transparency.

12. Not respecting confidentiality

↳"I informed our manager that you are considering a role within the Marketing department."

Why? Disclosing private details without permission betrays confidence.

Avoid at all costs.

What am I missing?

PS: Trust is not something you have, but something you do.
