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Creative Ways to Thank Your Team

1 min
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Everyone Talks About the Benefits of Appreciation in the Workplace,

But Few Explain How to Go About It.

10 Creative Ways to Thank Your Team, courtesy of my friend Anna Chernyshova:

1. Surprise Treats

↳Occasionally, bring in breakfast, lunch, or snacks as a surprise treat. It’s a simple way to show you care and appreciate their efforts.

2. Personalized Awards

↳Create fun and personalized awards that recognize the unique contributions or qualities of your team members. These can be humorous or serious, depending on your team’s culture.

3. Learning Stipends

↳Provide stipends for employees to spend on courses, books, or conferences of their choice. This shows that you value their personal and professional development.

4. Extra Time Off

↳Grant additional paid time off for outstanding performance. This can be a full day off, a half-day, or even a few hours early on a Friday.

5. Office Enhancements

↳Improve the workplace environment based on employee suggestions, such as new furniture, better coffee machines, or standing desks. This shows you’re listening to their needs.

6. Employee Shoutout Wall

↳Create a physical or digital “shoutout wall” where team members can publicly acknowledge each other’s hard work and achievements.

7. Work-from-Anywhere Days

↳Allow employees to work from a location of their choice for a few days. This can be particularly appreciated by those who enjoy a change of scenery.

8. Customized Swag

↳Give out customized company swag like branded apparel, accessories, or gadgets that your team will actually enjoy using.

9. Family Involvement

↳Host family-friendly events or offer gifts that employees can share with their families. This can include picnic days, movie nights, or gift baskets.

10. Create a Mentorship Program

↳Pair team members with mentors within the organization to help them grow professionally and feel more connected to the company.

Implementing these strategies can make a significant difference in your team’s morale and productivity.

What else would you add?

PS: Authenticity matters, a lot. People see right through it.
