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Defining Practices of Humble Leaders

1 min
leadership  ✺  leaders  ✺  humbleleaders  ✺  confidence  ✺  humility  ✺  career

Leadership is grounded in the strength of humility (not arrogance).

10 defining practices of humble leaders - in collaboration with Meredith Bell and Denny Coates:

1/ Admit your mistakes. Don’t try to shift blame onto others or make excuses for your actions.

2/ Appreciate that you have benefited from the assistance, support, or kindness of others. Express genuine gratitude for the people who have helped you along the way.

3/ Admit that you don’t have all the answers and actively seek input from others.

4/ Be open to learning from anyone, regardless of their position or status.

5/ Listen with genuine interest and consider other viewpoints.

6/ Seek constructive feedback and express appreciation when you get it.

7/ When someone expresses appreciation, avoid false modesty. Simply thank them.

8/ Step back and let others lead whenever possible, showing trust in their capabilities and judgment.

9/ Admit when you need help and seek assistance without hesitation, modeling that it’s okay to ask for support.

10/ Show respect for others’ time and efforts by being punctual and prepared for meetings and interactions.

PS: Humility is about modesty—being confident and self-assured without becoming egotistical or self-centered.
