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From Omar's Desk: The Motivation Myth

2 min
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Success isn’t a product of your motivation.

Master these 12 lessons to win (even when you don't feel like it):

1/ Motivation is Unreliable Motivation can come and go, and most of us struggle with staying motivated. Acknowledge that.

2/ Action Sparks Motivation Motivation comes after you start doing something, not before. Take that first step, and you’ll start feeling more motivated as you go.

3/ Small Wins, Big Gains Celebrate the little victories you achieve. These small wins fuel motivation and keep you moving forward.

4/ Your Routine, Your Superpower Create a routine that turns your goals into daily habits. Your routine will help you stay on track when you don't feel motivated.

5/ Track to Stay on Track Write down your progress, even the small steps. Seeing how far you’ve come can give you the motivation to keep going.

6/ Eyes on the Prize Imagine yourself reaching your goal. Visualizing success can keep you focused and excited, even when things get tough.

7/ Positivity Powers Progress Surround yourself with positive people and things. A positive environment boosts your energy and keeps you motivated.

8/ Love the Journey Enjoy the process of working toward your goals. Success is not just about the result but also about what you learn and who you become in the process.

9/ Consistency is King Keep showing up every day, particularly when it’s hard. Consistency is more important than being perfect and leads to success over time.

10/ Find Your Fire Understand why your goal is important to you. When you know your purpose, it gives you the motivation to keep going.

11/ Flex, Don’t Break Be ready to change your plan as needed. Flexibility helps you overcome challenges without losing motivation.

12/ Accountability Amplified Tell someone your goals and ask them to check on your progress. Knowing someone is watching helps you stay on track.

These insights are inspired by "The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win" by Jeff Haden and brought to you by Omar's Desk.

PS: Be kind to yourself - particularly when things don't go as planned.
