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From Omar's Desk: Active Listening 101

1 min
listening  ✺  selfdevelopment  ✺  management  ✺  leadership

(#6 is often forgotten yet crucial for trust building)

1. Empathy in Action: Active listening goes beyond hearing words; it's about truly understanding the speaker's perspective. It's an empathetic process that makes people feel valued and understood.

2. Recognize the Unspoken: Often, what’s not said is as important as what is. Active listening involves picking up on non-verbal cues and emotions behind the words.

3. Seek to Understand: Before responding or forming judgments, seek to genuinely understand the speaker's point of view. This helps in creating a more inclusive and respectful dialogue.

4. Decoding Messages: Learn to decode the underlying message in conversations. This skill helps in addressing the real issues and not just the superficial ones.

5. Responsive Action: Active listening is not passive; it requires action based on what you’ve heard. This could mean making changes, offering help, or simply acknowledging the speaker's concerns.

6. Closing the Loop: After acting on what you’ve heard, circle back to the speaker to share the actions you took and the outcome(s). This demonstrates that you not only listened but also valued and responded to their input.

7. Personal and Professional Growth: Active listening contributes to your own growth. It helps in developing empathy, improving relationships, and enhancing decision-making skills.

8. Continuous Learning: The art of active listening is a skill that improves with practice and intentionality. Continuously hone this skill to become a more effective listener and leader.

These insights are inspired by 💜Heather R Younger book "The Art of Active Listening" and brought to you by Omar's Desk. Embrace these principles to transform how you listen, engage, and connect in your professional and personal life.

PS: We spend about 35% of our working day listening, let's make it count!
