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From Omar's Desk: Influence

1 min
From Omar's Desk  ✺  fromomarsdesk  ✺  influence  ✺  leadership  ✺  career

Every outcome you wish to achieve,

Is determined by how you influence or are influenced by others.

Here’s how you can become truly influential (backed by science):

1. Reciprocity

Think about the last time someone did you a favor. You probably felt compelled to return it, right? That’s the power of giving first. Look for ways to help others; they will naturally want to do the same for you.

2. Commitment and consistency

Ever noticed how we stick to our word once we’ve committed? If you ask for a small "yes" now, it makes it much easier to say a bigger "yes" down the road. Start small and build from there.

3. Social proof

We’re all influenced by what others are doing, even when we don’t realize it. Share examples of how colleagues, clients, or industry peers adopt your ideas—making others more likely to follow.

4. Liking

Let’s face it: we listen to people we like. Find common ground, give genuine compliments, and invest in real connections.

5. Authority

People look up to experts. Share your insights, offer guidance, or show up consistently; your credibility makes a huge difference.

6. Scarcity

When something feels rare or exclusive, we value it more. Are you highlighting what’s unique about your offer, idea, or approach? Frame it in a way that emphasizes why it matters now.

These insights are from the book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Dr. Robert Cialdini, and brought to you by Omar's Desk.

They’ve helped me build better connections and create lasting impact.

Which principle resonates the most with you?

PS: This book has sold over 5 million copies in 41 languages

PPS: This book is on my top 10 list of all-time reads and one of my most recommended books
