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From Omar's Desk: Smart Brevity

1 min
From Omar's Desk  ✺  fromomarsdesk  ✺  brevity  ✺  leadership  ✺  career

The brutal truth: You lose readers in 8 seconds with weak writing.

With shortening attention spans, every word must earn its place.

7 proven techniques to make your message impossible to ignore:

1/ Front-load what matters

↳Put your most important point in the first sentence.
↳Follow with 'why this matters' immediately.
↳Skip the warm-up - get straight to the point.

2/ Embrace white space

↳Break long paragraphs into digestible chunks.
↳Use bullets and short sections to guide the eye.
↳Give your key points room to breathe.

3/ Edit, ruthlessly

↳Remove redundant words and phrases.
↳Cut unnecessary adjectives and adverbs.
↳If a sentence doesn't add value, delete it.

4/ Think like your reader

↳Answer 'Why should I care?' early.
↳Focus on what your audience needs to know.
↳Make every word earn its place.

5/ Use action words

↳Replace passive voice with active verbs.
↳Choose strong, specific words over weak, vague ones.
↳Make your writing dynamic and engaging.

6/ Master the format

↳Use headlines that tell the story.
↳Keep paragraphs to 2-3 sentences max.
↳End with clear takeaways or next steps.

7/ Optimize for scanning

↳Embrace formatting for key points.
↳Break up content with subheads.
↳Make it easy to get value at a glance.

These insights are inspired by "Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less" by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz, and brought to you by Omar's Desk.

PS: Brevity isn't about saying less but being remembered more.
