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From Omar's Desk: The 5 Resets

1 min
From Omar's Desk  ✺  fromomarsdesk  ✺  leadership  ✺  career  ✺  resets

Bouncing back is a superpower.

5 proven resets to boost your resilience (backed by science):

1/ The Body Reset

↳ Why: Your physical state directly impacts your mental resilience. An overtaxed body can't support a resilient mind.

↳ How: Practice "micro-recoveries" - 60-second breaks every hour to stretch, breathe deeply, or simply close your eyes. Your nervous system will thank you.

2/ The Breath Reset

↳ Why: Your breathing pattern is the remote control to your stress response. Change your breath, change your state.

↳ How: Use the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8) when facing challenges. It switches your system from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest."

3/ The Focus Reset

↳ Why: A scattered mind drains resilience. Your attention is like a muscle - train it right, and it gets stronger.

↳ How: Start with "single-tasking" - give one task your full attention for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Your productivity and stress resistance will soar.

4/ The Energy Reset

↳ Why: Resilience requires energy management, not time management. High energy equals high resilience.

↳ How: Identify your "power hours" (when you naturally feel most energetic) and schedule important tasks during these windows.

5/ The Connection Reset

↳ Why: Social support isn't just nice to have - it's crucial for resilience. Isolation makes everything harder.

↳ How: Build a "resilience network" - identify 3-5 people you can truly count on, and nurture these relationships intentionally.

These insights are inspired by "The 5 Resets" by Dr. Aditi Nerurkar and brought to you by Omar's Desk.

PS: Building resilience is a journey, not a destination.
