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Lead with Confidence: 12 Powerful Reframes to Speak Like a Leader

1 min
leadership  ✺  career  ✺  reframes  ✺  impactfulwords  ✺  speaklikealeader

Words have power. Especially in leadership.

They either inspire confidence, provide clarity, and spark action.
Or they do the opposite.

12 powerful reframes to lead with conviction and drive impact - courtesy of my friend Nina Devouge:

1/ Instead of "I'm not sure, but..."
→ "Here's my perspective..."

2/ Instead of "Does that make sense?"
→ "Let me know if you have any questions."

3/ Instead of "Sorry to bother you"
→ "Thank you for your time."

4/ Instead of "Sorry I'm late"
→ "Thank you for your patience."

5/ Instead of "I'll try to get it done"
→ "I will get this done."

6/ Instead of "I think we could..."
→ "I recommend we..."

7/ Instead of "I might be saying it wrong, but..."
→ "Here's what I do know."

8/ Instead of "I just wanted to check in..."
→ "Following up on..."

9/ Instead of "Can I ask a quick question?"
→ "I have a question."

10/ Instead of "I'm sorry, but can we...?"
→ "Can we...?"

11/ Instead of "It's probably a silly idea, but..."
→ "Would you consider...?"

12/ Instead of "I just wanted to say that..."
→ "What's important is..."

Here's the truth:
Your words shape how others see you.
Your words shape how you see yourself.

The foundation?
Believing in the value of your voice.

Pick one reframe.
Start today.
Watch what happens.
