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The Key to Quality Decision-Making

1 min
leadership  ✺  career  ✺  decision  ✺  decisionmaking

Decision-making is the most important skill you've never been taught.

While most people obsess over frameworks,

The real key to improving your decisions is simpler: a decision log.


A decision log helps you improve by creating a feedback loop for your decisions as their outcomes unfold.

It combats hindsight bias, refines your thinking, and reveals patterns in your strengths and blind spots that you can adjust.


Start simple. For any key decision you make, jot down:

1/ The Context: What’s the situation, and what problem are you solving?

2/ Your Assumptions: What do you believe about the situation, and why?

3/ Alternatives Considered: What options did you evaluate, and why did you reject them?

4/ Expected Outcomes: What result do you expect, and why?

Revisit the log periodically to update with actual outcomes and refine your process.

PS: The quality of your decision is more about the process you followed than the outcome you achieved.
