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Top 10 Phrases of Brilliant Leaders

1 min
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Great leaders know this truth, but many still get it wrong:

Your words have incredible power.

A leader’s words can:

✅ Create strong relationships, built on trust

✅ Provide safety, allowing people to share ideas

✅ Build confidence, to make people feel amazing

10 phrases the best leaders say - courtesy of my friend Mostyn:

1. How can I help?

2. I trust your judgment.

3. Take the lead on this one.

4. You have my full support.

5. Challenge me if you disagree.

6. How can I be a better leader for you?

7. I was wrong; let's try a different approach.

8. You don’t need my permission to take action.

9. I don’t have all the answers, what do you think?

10. Your well-being matters more than this deadline.

Your words define your leadership.

Choose them wisely.

Which phrase is your favorite?