You can't avoid stress at work.
The key is making it work for you (not against you).
Here’s how you can perform at your best when pressure rises - courtesy of my friend Zoltan Szabo:
1. Find your why. Clarity of purpose cuts through confusion like a knife. 2. Draw the line. Set boundaries and prioritize what truly matters. 3. Create a battle plan. Establish a routine that incorporates self-care. 4. Build your tribe. Surround yourself with people that uplift you. 5. Focus ruthlessly. Master the art of saying "no" to distractions. 6. Fortify your spirit. Build emotional resilience like its armor. 7. Hit the gym. Use physical exercise as your stress outlet. 8. Breathe it out. Practice deep breathing to find your center. 9. Protect your energy. Limit exposure to those who drain your energy. 10. Visualize the win. Stay future-focused with positive imagery.
TED Talks to Watch 🎥
- "How to Make Stress Your Friend" by Kelly McGonigal - "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brené Brown - "Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator" by Tim Urban
Performing under pressure isn’t just a skill - it’s a superpower.