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Unlock Career Opportunities with Pareto Principle

1 min
career  ✺  leadership  ✺  management  ✺  mentoring

Struggling with finding your next career opportunity?

(Here's my top advice - courtesy of the Pareto principle)

Use 80% of your time to apply for roles:

1. Within your current (or past) industries

2. Aligned with your current (or past) functional role

3. Similar scope/complexity to one you have (or had recently)

4. Have a 1st degree connection with - whom can refer you

5. Are within the geography you are working in (or have worked in)

Use the remaining 20% of your time to apply for roles:

1. Outside industries that you have worked in

2. Somewhat related job functions

3. Increased Scope/Complexity

4. Have 2nd, 3rd or no connection with

5. Are outside of the geography you are working in (or have worked in)

Why? This approach indexes on spending effort where the odds of success are higher.

PS: Particularly relevant in times when the job market is oversupplied.
