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Want to Skyrocket Your Influence in 2025? Master This 1 Simple Communication Shift!

1 min
leadership  ✺  career  ✺  influence  ✺  communication

This is the most powerful communication tip I’ve learned (after 20 years of tech leadership):

Lead with the key takeaway, then expand on the details.

❌ Here's how NOT to do it:"

We noticed that our application is experiencing delays, so we started analyzing the database queries. After running diagnostics, we saw that a large part of the latency comes from slow read operations and inefficient indexes. To address this, we’re considering restructuring queries, introducing caching, and optimizing response payloads to improve performance."

✅ Here's how to do it:

"We've identified three fixes to reduce application latency by 40%: query optimization, caching, and response payload reduction. Here’s what we’re tackling first by Tuesday and the next steps..."

Master this one communication shift in 2025: Hit the punchline first.

And watch your influence soar.

Have a great New Year’s Eve.

PS: We tend to think in a step-by-step (deductive) manner, but our communication should start with the conclusion (inductive).

PPS: Apply this when answering questions, too!
